The best part about magic tricks, is getting to wonder how they do it! However, not everyone loves the thrill of not knowing as much as others, so for those people, there are answers. Classic magic tricks from as far back as the early 1800s have been explained and the magic behind them revealed. You might be disappointed with how easily you were tricked once you find out how some of these illusions are done. But as lovely as child-like wonder can be, knowing the answers can be just as fun, especially when you learn how Michael Jackson defied gravity in his dance moves.
1. Leviatation
The woman lays on a board which is held up by a metal rod. The magician stands to hide the rod, so where he is standing determines how well the trick is executed.
via Wikimedia / Ellis Stanyon
2. Cutting A Body In Half
The person in this box has to tuck their body in to give the illusion of their body being cut into pieces. Fake feet are attached at the end for when the model moves.
via Witty Feed
3. Zig Zag Girl
This trick is actually quite simple. When the assistant steps into the box she turns her body sides ways so that when the blades go in, they slide right past her body. When the mid section of the box is pushed out, only her hand goes with it, but the black lining of the box gives the illusion that her midsection has completely shifted.
via Wikipedia / Muchosucko~commonswiki
4. Into The Air
This trick is very similar to the other levitation trick but the magician does not stand in front of the support. He then passes a hoop over the assistant only going as far as the support allows which gives the illusion that the body is floating in the air.