Cancer is a complex disease, and it can affect any part of your body. Science is still looking for the peculiar reason that causes a tissue...
Cancer is a complex disease, and it can affect any part of your body. Science is still looking for the peculiar reason that causes a tissue to grow cancerous. The medical experts claim some of the below reasons which are responsible for cancerous growth in the body:
- Bad eating habits, no workouts, tobacco addiction
- Exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals
- Genetic mutation or infections
Among these reasons the bad food habits like eating a lot of junk food and processed food is one of the common causes of cancer. Here is a list of the worst 5 foods that cause cancer:
1. Microwave popcorn
Microwave popcorns contain an awfully poisoning chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). In studies and testimonials, people reported that PFOA is linked with developing cancers of Kidneys and Bladder. Other studies have also found that PFOA can affect fertility in women.
2. Potato chips
Being processed in high heat, potato chips can develop acrylamide and other carcinogens in it. These Chemicals in chips trigger the digestive, prostate, ovary and breast cancer. These chips also consist of a lot of calories, salt, and fats which lead to hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity. So try to make your own chips at home and enjoy having them at snacks.

3. Hydrogenated oils
Hydrogenated oils are made from vegetables and eventually, they tend to degenerate. To extend their life span, they come with added preservatives. When heated up, these preservatives can increase the activity of Omega 6 fatty acids and trans fat in the oil. These acids harm the cells and their well-being raising the danger of skin cancer the most. Additionally, trans fats make more danger of colorectal, prostate and breast cancer.
4. Refined and sugary foods
Such foods increase the levels of blood sugar and hence insulin, that helps the growing cancer tissue to thrive. A study published in American Society for Clinical Nutrition journal in 2006, the people who eat a lot of refined and sugary food have more risk of having pancreas cancer. So, limit the use of refined sugar and start using stevia, honey, maple syrup or jaggery in your daily life.

5. Smoked/pickled foods
Smoked or Pickled foods, especially preserved meat, contains high amounts of Nitrate. Nitrate is in general harmful if consumed in high quantity. In case, when the nitrate turns into N-nitroso, it can cause cancer. The preservative used in these foods to increase their shelf life can damage your cells and help cancerous cells to grow in our body.